127-06 Liberty Avenue, Richmond Hill, NY 11419

259 Nassau Road, Roosevelt, NY 11575

Discover the Advantages of Dental Implants!

June 10, 2024

According to research conducted by the American Dental Association, approximately 178 million adults across the United States are missing at least one tooth. Around 40 million people are missing all their teeth. While traditional dental bridges and dentures can provide functional and aesthetically pleasing results for replacing missing teeth, dental implants have become an increasingly popular choice among patients and dentists alike.

What Exactly Are Dental Implants?

When we think of teeth, the first thing that comes to mind is usually the crown—that's the visible part above the gum line. However, teeth have long roots extending deep into the underlying bone of the jaw, providing the necessary support and stability for oral function. Dental implants are designed to mimic these roots. They are small surgical posts that are placed directly into the jawbone during a minor surgical procedure. Once in place, they extend upwards from the bone towards the gum line where a custom dental crown or fixed prosthesis can be attached.

How Dental Implants Work: Osseointegration

Dental implants are made from special biocompatible materials that allow them to fuse directly with the surrounding bone over time. This process is known as "osseointegration" and gives dental implants the root-like strength they need to provide long-lasting support and stability for crowns, bridges, full-arch restorations, and dentures. Unlike traditional dental bridges, implant-supported restorations do not require the preparation or placement of crowns on adjacent natural teeth.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Dental implants act as artificial tooth roots, providing ongoing stimulation to the alveolar bone in the edentulous area. This action helps prevent bone loss typically associated with tooth loss and maintains support for the natural contours of your face.
  • An individual dental implant can support a dental crown just like a natural tooth root supports a tooth. With multiple dental implants, even a smile compromised by the loss of several teeth can be rebuilt with beautiful and long-lasting results.
  • Dental implants are easy to care for and maintain. Implant-supported restorations require the same oral hygiene routine as your natural teeth: regular brushing, flossing, and periodic dental checkups can help ensure that your newly rebuilt and restored smile serves you well for years to come.

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

At the office of Liberty Dental, we value your input and strive to fulfill your smile goals and treatment expectations. If you're interested in learning more about dental implants or any other dental services we provide, please give us a call today.

127-06 Liberty Avenue
Richmond Hill, NY 11419